D1 Projects

Projects of Understanding

Projects of Understanding document the ability to apply the understandings gained in the investigations to work with children. Each participant must demonstrate the ability to positively influence the life of a child or the actions of a group of children. This is authentic assessment, just as driving a car is a performance required to get a driver’s license; one applies knowledge and skill in uncertain circumstances.

Sage D’Aquila Kleinhanz, a nanny, presents her Project of Understanding, documenting that she can use expressing warmth to make life better for a young child.



Janelle Okorogu shares her experience with her daughter, Alexia.



Ezra Stoker-Graham and his partner operate Zoe Family Childcare. 



Charise Miller tells the story of J.C. and how expressing warmth not only changes J.C.’s fear of a dog but also how J.C. expresses warmth in the very same way to a new friend.

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