Continue to Measure
If you have reached this page following the sequence, I trust you understand the pieces of the Management Protocol.
Examine the Behavior
Specify the Behavior Exactly
Take a Before Measure
Identify the A-B-C pattern
Initiate a Program
Change the Consequences
Pick a New “Good” Behavior to Reward
Change the Antecedents
Continue to Measure
The last is simply to continue the measuring, either counting or timing, on into the future to see what happens in order for the group who created this program to see if their plan works over time. One never knows.
Many times the troublesome behavior simply disappears even before you get to try it out. (I have never known why that fortunate result happens.)
t could take a week; it could take a couple of months. The best we can do is keep documentation going. It’s not action research without gathering continuous Physical Reality information, so the group of managers can co-construct what those numbers mean.
They are the only ones in the world who can decide about meaning. They collaborated in generating the options, choosing the most likely, and implementing the five block plan. They know the context and have a close personal relationship with the child.
Deciding on a Program
Here are the five boxes of a program. All we do is fill them in.
The Worksheet
To enable this to happen I have the Protocol Form above. The form offers a logical discussion agenda, without which we could waste a lot of time talking past each other and never arrive at a plan of what to do.
It makes for an efficient, productive dialogue and enables groups to function as an inventive, cooperative team.
Each time this is used a team gets faster at moving through the items, which makes it feel both professional and enjoyable.
You’ll find another link for it on the next page and see how the protocol was applied to the three example children, Sandy, Jeremy, and Charlie.