Big Idea Experiments in the Slide Show
What we know about learning mathematics that was highlighted in these experiments:
We were physically active and experimenting, using our eyes and hands.
We enjoyed making the materials we use and the freedom to create our own strategies.
It was important to first predict and then find out from the outcomes.
In our work with partners we created our own language; we knew what we meant.
We learned what works by getting it wrong first.
We combined our various senses, past knowledge, and various intelligences to the current experience.
The variables in our answers added richness to the discovery.
What we know about children’s engagement with mathematics:
Children never give up.
Children have inquisitive minds.
Children seem to never give up right away; they keep playing with the materials. They experiment and vary their explorations to answer their own questions. They get excited about what they create and eager to share their discoveries. They seem to naturally be drawn to orderliness, symmetry, and proportion.
We see them apply what they discover to new materials and experiences.
All children inherently love math; we seem to teach them not to.