I am an emeritus educator of children and adults and a student of both. Now that I am retired I have time to create the kind of site I wish I had encountered long ago – one that had practical ideas with nothing to market. Over the years since 1970 when I started learning about schools for young children, I developed resources for early childhood educators and families.
I offer 143 pages—almost a labyrinth of links upon links—to explore how to optimize conditions for young children in the years between age 2 and common school age.
I am interested in helping people change to new habits and become more authentic in their relationships with children.
We all can be more effective educators and leaders of young children, and get those hugs and accolades that make this work so satisfying.
I don’t know of any other place on the internet that is similarly dedicated to growth and personal betterment of leaders and caregivers of young children, without sucking resources away from those who have little wealth. Everything here is free.
Rather than spend money on a traditional education program, I invite you to spend time and try new things on the path you choose and educate children in the way the children and you find joyous and affirming.
Like most things one learns in life, it is challenging to learn something by yourself. People need people, especially people working on the same thing at the same time.
We flourish in communities of love and support, where we play, take risks, and have fun.
If we aren’t laughing, something is amiss.
A note to navigation: Troubling Behavior, Mathematics and Design, and Connecting to Children consist of many nested pages opening up other pages beyond what is visible in the menus.